The first step to getting started is through our preliminary intake process.  The purpose of the intake is to identify your child’s needs, discuss services and identify funding options.  

Following the preliminary intake, you will be contacted by a member of our clinical team who will set up a meeting for the initial assessment.  Our initial assessment includes a parent interview and a review of previous evaluations, such as medical diagnostic evaluations, assessments performed by psychologists, speech and language therapists, IEPs, Regional Centers, and/or school district personnel.  

In addition to a prior evaluation review, we may recommend a functional behavior assessment (FBA), an integral part of the beginning phase of treatment. The FBA is the process of gathering and analyzing data on target behaviors, to better understand their communicative function (why the behaviors occur).  Information and data are acquired through parent and teacher interviews, questionnaires and both direct and indirect observations, over several days and/or environments.   Once the data is analyzed, communicative functions of the target behaviors are identified.  Goals are then created and a behavior intervention plan is designed, to reduce the target behaviors (negative behaviors) and increase replacement behaviors (positive/pro-social behaviors). With goals and an intervention plan established, we are able to provide services that are most appropriate for your child.


 Get Started! Contact us about services and resources:

Robin L. Palm, MS, BCBA
Director of Client Services
(818) 730-5393
[email protected]